This is the habanero forest.  
At the start of the summer, I ran out of the 8"(W) x 12"(d) pots so my last eight habanero plants all went into a square container that is about  12" (w) x 18"(l) x 12"(d).  It played out prett…

This is the habanero forest.  

At the start of the summer, I ran out of the 8"(W) x 12"(d) pots so my last eight habanero plants all went into a square container that is about  12" (w) x 18"(l) x 12"(d).  It played out pretty well.  The habaneros from the forest are a bit smaller than the others, but the I’ve picked tons of peppers from what took up a very small amount of space.  

I think this is going to lead to some very bad planting habits.