There comes a time every summer when I threaten to punch an animal or insect in the teeth.  That time is now.
I noticed my habanero plant had a ton of ants and aphids on it. I thought the ants were eating the aphids and cheered them on as I have don…

There comes a time every summer when I threaten to punch an animal or insect in the teeth.  That time is now.

I noticed my habanero plant had a ton of ants and aphids on it. I thought the ants were eating the aphids and cheered them on as I have done in the past with insects such as wasps and ladybugs.

Yesterday, the situation seemed out of control - enter google search ‘there are a ton of ants and aphids in my garden’ which eventually led to an article about how the ants have started an illegal drug farm on my pepper plant and are breeding the aphids for their delicious nectar.
